
Specialist Chiropractic Radiology
Professional Radiology Outcomes (PRO) is an Australian-based independent (pure) teleradiology company servicing chiropractic clinics around the world.
We provide the most clinically relevant highly detailed chiropractic radiology reports ensuring the highest degree of relevance to assist chiropractors with their patient management plans.
PRO employs world leading chiropractic radiologists (DACBR) from around the globe so you can rest assured you have the support team available.
By uploading your images for a second opinion via our website or becoming a valued client with PROPACS, you will receive a full and comprehensive report including advice on biomechanical description, pathological processes, and clinical reference impressions.
Our PROPACS clients receive clinical support by way of urgent communication and assistance with follow-up investigations, advanced imaging and patient management provided by our chief of Clinical Imaging.
We offer double redundancy backup of your images and provide a speedy 24hr report turnaround for routine cases with a priority service for medically urgent cases.
We invite any chiropractor that has not used our service to upload high resolution patient x-rays easily and quickly via our website upload form or contact us if you are interested in becoming a valued PROPACS client.
You don’t know what you don’t see, so let our specialists assist you to ensure you have the full picture.
Pricing for our ‘one-off’ uploads
Sectional Report
Full Spine Report (2+ regions)
MRI Report (1 region)
MRI Report (2 region)
MRI Report (Full Spine)
Do you require an
Urgent Report?
Please note, Medically Urgent report delivery is available between the hours of 8.00am – 6.00pm (AEST) Monday – Friday.
*Indicative conversion price. Prices may vary depending on the AUD exchange rate. Contact us for additional information.

Preferred Rates for PROPACS clients
PROPACS is a cloud-based Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) with an in-built report request function. With PROPACS you will not only have the ability to securely archive your diagnostic images and reports, but you will also have easy access to specialist radiologists from the comfort of your clinic.
As a PROPACS client, we provide a cost effective teleradiology platform ensuring the best possible patient outcomes 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.